

specializing in emerging technologies | subject matter expertise | guiding industries, private entities, and governments


Kathleen Alcorn . Partner . CEO . Director of Public and Global Relations Michael Alwood . Partner . Chief Operating Officer . Director of International Joint Ventures Boguslaw Wozniak . Federal Lobbyist . International Affairs

Government Blockchain Association . Springfield

Located in the heart of the Illinois State Capitol, GBA Springfield is a chapter component of the international non profit association helping governments and private industries connect, communicate and collaborate. All civil servants are invited...


ATOLLetc LLC is engaged in several humanitarian initiatives to benefit the World. Ethics, sustainability and long range planning are vital factors in safe-guarding future climates in all subject areas. Such efforts begin at home. A...


ATOLLetc LLC provides the expertise to help your business grow and remain relevant in the global emerging tech world. ATOLLetc LLC empowers industries to become the leading voice. That voice should be you.

Be the leadership that establishes the direction of how production and implementation, laws and regulation impacts your industry. Be the leadership that encourages your team to be a part of the learning process and dig deep as technologies evolve. You will set your firm and industry apart from all others. ATOLLetc LLC is here to help guide your team through that process.

ATOLLetc LLC is always open to partnering with other entities providing a product or service that is premised upon protecting the safety, soundness and future of people throughout the world.

ATOLL | atoll : [ˈatˌôl, ˈatˌäl] : a ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands formed of coral.